Join our vibrant community of wine enthusiasts and explore a world of flavors, stories, and experiences with ShareVino.
Scan and discover
Scan our partners’ QR codes to instantly unlock the rich stories behind the wines, accompanied by detailed information such as tasting notes, origin, and ideal pairing recommendations.
Rate and contribute
Share your feedback by rating the wines you try. Your ratings not only assist fellow users in making informed decisions but also play a pivotal role in shaping your own wine journey over time. Additionally, your input aids our partners in crafting the future of wine experiences.
Explore and connect
ShareVino is your ultimate destination for exploring new wines, engaging with the community, and enriching your overall wine journey.
Enhance your wine journey
ShareVino offers winelovers a unique and engaging experience. With our platform, you can learn about the stories behind the wines, discover new favorites, and enjoy interactive wine tastings like never before.
Our commitment to winelovers
Fueled by passion and driven by innovation, we're not just redefining how consumers enjoy wine – we're transforming it. With our unwavering dedication to excellence, we're poised to make an unforgettable impact in the lives of wine enthusiasts worldwide. Join us as we uncork a world of unparalleled wine experiences.
Unveil new favorites
Inspired by their stories, explore new favorites by trying a variety of wines, enriching your palate and expanding your repertoire during tastings events and wine experiences.
Engage and learn
Access comprehensive wine profiles with tasting notes, pairing recommendations, and, if applicable, information on nutrition, including sugar levels and allergen disclosures, empowering you to make informed choices and deepen your appreciation for each wine.
Rate and grow
Rate wines real time during wine events and experiences, and explore the most popular selections. Foster a vibrant community of wine lovers who learn and grow together.